Art Generation

One of the most common ways to generate a collection is to work in traits and assemble them algorithmically.

You don't need to create a tool from scratch to do this, here we share the changes we did to a great lib called Hashlips Art Generation Lib.

We adapted it to:

  • Cardano Metadata

  • Simplified Configuration

So if you have the traits but don't know how to assemble them, take a look and feel free to ping us!


Part of the Standard for NFTs in Cardano asks you to have a thumb image of your NFT in the metadata. (400x400 or 500x500) could be a good size for them.

We strongly suggest you use ImageMagick, with a simple script as follows you could convert them in minutes. 🔥

So if you have the images but don't know how to generate the thumbs, take a look and feel free to ping us!

Last updated