

    • Community Focused

    • Utility First

    • More than 1 year

      • Creating the ART

        • Clay / Pics / Edit / Assemble

      • Multisig minter

      • Game design

      • Tokenomics


    • 10 K NFTS in Cardano Blockchain

      • Art

        • More than 350 traits

        • 12+ Layers

      • Types

        • Spaceship (50)

        • Crew (2000)

        • Passengers (7950)


    • Tier 1: Closed

    • Tier 2: 1446 - 3000: 20₳

    • Tier 3: 3001 - 5000: 30₳

    • Tier 4: 5001 - Sold out: 40₳

  • GAME

    • Description

      • Collaborative Web3 game

      • Discord / Web3 / Blockchain

      • Web3

        • Dapp connects players with Cardano Wallets / Blockchain

    • How to Play?

      • Connect your wallet to Discord

      • Join a Space Unit

        • Added to the unit Discord channel

      • Play the missions

      • Activities during missions

        • Discord

          • Puzzles

          • Reactions

          • Conversation (Open AI)

        • Web

          • Minigames

    • Space Units

      • Each Spaceship is a unit (50 in total)

        • 9 models of Spaceships

        • Different sizes and max Crew needed

      • 7 Crew Roles to Fill

    • Roles

      • Spaceship

      • Crew

      • Passengers

    • Missions

      • JOIN

        • Add NFTs to units

      • DISCOVER

        • Find Planet & Galaxies

      • INVADE

        • Invade a Planet (Pacific / Force)

      • EXPLORE

        • Find Elements and Knowledge

      • BUILD

        • Create new elements or Upgrade existing

    • Transparency

      • Deterministic / Verifiable

      • Randomness is seeded from the blockchain

    • Rewards

      • Leaderboards ($ADA / $CINV prices)

      • Assets (new / upgrades)

        • Trade

  • TECH

    • In-house mutisig minter (done)

      • Eternl Dapp (mobile)

      • Until 10 NFTs per tx

    • In-house claiming system (wip)

      • Claim $CINV (done)

      • Claim $ADA (wip)

    • DAO Vote (pending)


    • CINV Token

      • Supply 2MM

    • Distribution

      • 80% for Holders

      • 15% for Game Rewards

      • 5% for Founders

    • Space Treasury (Backed in $ADA)

      • 6% of the Sales

      • 3% of the Secondary Sales (Royalties)

        • Will be reduced to 3% after the game launch

    • Claims

      • OGs will get more $CINV

        • It depends on the mint epoch

        • Starting from 16 $CINV x epoch (368)

        • Now 1 $CINV x epoch


    • Art Generation / NFT Storage / Metadata / Tokens / dApps / eUTxOs / Signatures / NFTs vs. FT / etc ...

    • GitHub code

    • English / Spanish


    • Clay Invasion just started, we think we can integrate the game into any discord server and play with any NFT project in the future.

    • Tokenomics (if royalties => 0%)

      • Prizes

        • 50% claiming fees

        • 50% minting fees

      • Treasury

        • Leasing / Renting

        • 50% claiming fees

Last updated