

Every Epoch each SpaceShip starts new missions to Discover, Explore, Invade or Build.

The roles you joined in the Unit, define the missions you will participate

  • Discover

    • Commander

    • Navigator

  • Invade

    • Commander

    • Pilot

    • Doctor

  • Explore

    • Explorer

    • Engineer

    • Doctor

  • Build

    • Engineer

    • Scientist


Spaceship Units

Each Spaceship Unit has a DISCORD channel where all action happens I.e. The Serenity (Unit 1) channel is #serenity-unit-1

Join a Unit

  • Each epoch a new mission starts and the crew needs to be fulfilled

    • A notification is sent to the unit DISCORD channel

  • NFT owners could join the unit using one of the following bot commands /ci-game join /ci-game join serenity-unit-1 /ci-game join serenity-unit-1 with ClayInvader#01234

  • The bot checks the crew members in your wallet and the roles not filled

  • If you don't specify the bot ask you:

    • Spaceship Unit to Join

    • NFT to use

  • If all roles are fulfilled or you don't have an available role, you are going to be joined as a passenger

Last updated